12-Step Programs

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Some may wish to remain after the formal meeting to chat, share on topics, answer questions, and exchange email or phone contacts where this is safe for you to do. We encourage all to stay for general fellowship time. Your contributions go towards Group Expenses such a Zoom.

Trailblazers Zoom Meeting Tuesday 8pm The Tuesday SLAA Trailblazers Video meeting uses a web conferencing system, so all you need is any PC, Mac, iPhone, smartphone, iPad or tablet with a camera, microphone and speakers attached and turned on to participate. Mostly males in attendance. The Sex Addicts Anonymous SAA fellowship is a supportive environment in which men and women who want to improve and overcome their sex addiction can meet together for peer support, guidance and integration back into society. We use e-mail, phone calls and skype conversation boxes between meetings to support each other, we encourage you to share your contact details only with members who are safe contacts for you.

Recovery meetings - These helplines can offer support over the phone or direct you to resources in your area for behavioral addictions, substance abuse, and mental health conditions, such as treatment centers, therapists, and support groups.

Find a meeting where you can get help. Select any group name to see more details. Select any place marker to list only meetings at that place. Select it again to see other meetings again. See or the if there is no local meeting near you. Every SAA group is autonomous and neither the SAA UK Intergroup nor the International Service Organization of SAA has any authority over them. Meetings are the core of recovery in SAA. Most meetings are 60 to 90 minutes long. An experienced member will normally act as meeting secretary, keeping the meeting to a schedule which typically includes an optional opening prayer, prepared readings, a chance to introduce yourself by your first name only, and a chance to share your experience and hear about the experiences of others. More information is available by attending any of the meetings listed here. You may search the whole list in chronological order, or restrict long lists using the filters below. Call the enquiry line on 07599 917 686 or 07843 108 302 if you need further assistance. Group Region Location Address Attendance Language Day Time Meeting status 51. W1W 8TB Yes Mixed English Monday 18:30 Ongoing 52.

Hanging Out With Sex Addicts - Bad Weather Vlogs
We recover by sharing experience, strength, and hope using online chat. Your contributions go towards Group Expenses such a Zoom. We encourage all to stay for general fellowship time. For, 12-step sex addiction meetings online ensure that everyone is treated with respect and understanding so they can work the program and achieve recovery. The Seventh Tradition states we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Fellowship Wide Services, or any other SLAA group. Group conscious has asked that we all keep file enabled when we are on. What is Sex Addicts Anonymous. Some may wish to remain after the formal meeting to chat, share on topics, answer questions, and exchange email or phone contacts where this is safe for you to do.